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Thursday, May 16, 2019

Azure for developer az-203 - session

for power shell use AZ package.

Azure Rest Api Browser - to test all Azure rest API

Azure quick start templates  - list of predefined template to use .

Azure Storage Explorer - a tool to manage storage on AZURE from your desktop, you might need to install newer emulator (msi installer)

File sharing storage type - its like a network drive.

SQL server - there is two mode of price vCpu && DTU - dtu is chipper but you need to be aware.

SQL Azure Tutorial

DDD Domain-driven design   - new design pattern. 

App Service Plan - its multi-tenant .
App Service Environment  - your private VNet , single tenant

in  Service plan we create web app , or Api app.

the way to host web app in azure is to:
create app service plan , under resource group.

in the web-app under azure  - there is log stream that you can see all the trace command from c#.

Use Swagger to expose your API in a friendly name.

Azure AD (AAD)

Authentication method :
Windows Auth (NTLM/kerberos)
Form Auth     (user)
Basic Auth    (user or api)
SAML            (ws-*)
Bereer(JWT) --   (rest  json)   ---  use Open ID Connect , OAuth 2.0 - we get token with claims

create application insights resource
there is ability to report from any agents such as windows console application to report to Azure monitors tools (insights) you can add simple traces and event that contains more details .

handling transient errors - (temporary error , such as no network, locks on db , busy i/o)
in transient error - we will do retry first , in case its failed we will wait X units of time , till cancel.
X will be exponential time ( 2,4,8..... CANCEL)


install docker for windows desktop
tutorial could be found at

Azure ACI - Azure containers instances
Azure ACR - Azure container registry
Azure AKS  - Azure Kubernetis Service