Recently i started to "play" with IBM solution for the cloud , you can find it at
Development & Test from IBM .
Its still in Beta and open for developers and test, the idea very much looks like Amazon WS , you can create you instance in a minutes and you can choose from several existing instances (Images) , you can even create your own image publish it ( i guess) , also you can have your own storage on the cloud and mount it to any instance you already have.
i suggest first to create your storage and than your instance , because while creating the instance you can mount the storage easily.
i created my SUSE Linux Enterprise v10 SP2 from an exiting image , i manage to connect to it via putty (watch this video for
Accessing Instances using SSH Clients ).
in the next steps i will explain how do i install MQSeries 7.0.1 on it .
i upload to my Storage the MQSeries installation file (tar.gz file) via ftp (i used filezilla - use the next link how to use filezilla with the key supplied-
Key based authentication ).
i unzip it and open it.
the complete installation step for MQ 32bit ->
Installing a WebSphere MQ
i didn't update any kernel parameters.
you have to run the under root permission , but we do not have any root password , so the trick is:
use the sudo command on the cloud to run command under root.
so i use ->
sudo su - root
and than i run the installation
add idcuser to the mqm group ->
useradd -G mqm idcuser
for RedHat version i used ->
usermod -G mqm idcuser
IBM cloud solution is still in Beta so their site is quite slow and buggy , but its looking good and do the job at the moment , in 2 minutes i created my Suze server with websphere 7, i want to see you do it by yourself , and its working too !!!
Get started with the IBM Smart Business Development and Test on the IBM Cloud
Yaniv T