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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Work manager in WebSphere

The Work Manager API offers a solution for performing parallel processing directly within a managed environment. You can leverage this new offering to implement parallel processing within a J2EE container.
here are some interesting links to this issue:

The wise work manager for context-based scoping - Improve thread performance with the Work Manager API

The Work Manager API: Parallel Processing Within a J2EE Container

Notes about the Work class you might implement under websphere , when:
if  isDaemon  return  true, this Work is expected to run a long time and will not use a pooled thread.

Yaniv T

Sunday, December 19, 2010

MQ Queue Manager connection pooling (MQQueueManager)

WebSphere MQ classes for Java Version 5.2 provides additional support for applications that deal with multiple connections to WebSphere MQ queue managers.
When a connection is no longer required, instead of destroying it, it can be pooled, and later reused.
This can provide a substantial performance enhancement for applications and middleware that connect serially to arbitrary queue managers.

read this complete article , with sample how to achieve connection pooling in your software.

Yaniv Tzanany

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Android Development - kick start

One of a great Android Development Tutorial  i found  could be found here.
Android Development Tutorial - Gingerbread

you can forget from the above if you like videos - excellent stuff

another good one android-user-interface-design

remember there is no shortcuts !!!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Eclipse Memory Analyzer with phd files - IBM dump format

If you try to open phd file with the MAT software (Eclipse Memory Analyzer Tool) , you will get some error,"Not a HPROF heap dump (".

the solution is to install IBM Diagnostic Tool Framework for Java Version 1.4 to the MAT.
Help -> software update -> find and install ,Click next  -> new archive site ->
The Installation instructions could be found here as well

after restart your MAT , you can open the phd file, and find your memory leaks.

more info:
Using the IBM DTFJ with the Eclipse Memory Analyzer Tool

Yaniv Tzanany

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How to check your MQ client software connectivity to the QM - 2058 ?

Our software linked to  MQ client library , sometimes when the client deploy our software on new machine , or move it to other , he complain about the mq error 2058 , that we return  while trying to connect to the QM.

i am always explained that we have a buggy-less software, and check your environment :) ,

I suggest to run the built-in sample that arrived with the MQ installation.

This will give us a clue , if its installation issue or software .
I am talking about the amqsputc program (the client version one).
Here is how i managed to put messages on Windows QM , from our AIX.

bash-3.00# cd /usr/mqm/samp/bin

bash-3.00# export MQSERVER='SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN/TCP/srv1(1414)'
bash-3.00# ./amqsputc YANIVTIN QM1
Sample AMQSPUT0 start
target queue is YANIVTIN
hello world


The first part if the name of a 'svrconn' channel, the second is

the protocol used, and the third is the 'connection name'
consisting of either an ip address or hostname or dsn name,
followed by the port number. By default, MQ uses 1414.

in windows you set the env setting as follow:

i hope its help
Yaniv Tzanany



suggesting to the client