great pdf with instruction about coding standards
Joint Strike Fighter Air Vehicle C++ Coding Standards
This Blog is first of all memos for me!! From time to time I get exposed to new and cool stuff for developers and architects ,most of the time its a solution for a problem or tips or tricks, so, I would like to track my memos and share it with you, it can save your time and nervous, I hope you will enjoy it - by Yaniv Tzanany.
great pdf with instruction about coding standards
Joint Strike Fighter Air Vehicle C++ Coding Standards
to work with gdb command line make sure all the symbolic will not loaded , the default is ON.
the next parameter control such behavior
in gdb type 'set auto-solib-add off' - disabled loading any symbolic files.
you can start your program
and when your SO files loaded , you can CTRL-C
and use the share command to load your so symbolic file.
share /path/
option 2 : put in your program the next line
__asm__ volatile("int $0x03");
its will break into your gdb and use share command to load your symbolic .
Yaniv Tzanany
you can add custom view for debugger.
create into your root folder xxx.natvis
make sure in the launch.json to add
more sample:
the Name of the class must be full qualified e.g. contain namespace name if exist.
even typedef name should be act as new Name in the natvis file.
sample template class:
sample template natvis file:
the orders of members in a struct affect sizeof of struct
see this example
if no compiler directive - memory align to 8 bytes by default
struct top
char* p; //8 bytes
int i; //4 bytes
short s; // 2 bytes
char c; // 1 byte
// 1 padding
int t; // 4 bytes
// 4 padding
struct buttom
char c; // 1 bytes -- 7 padding
char* p; //8 bytes
short s; //2 bytes
int i; //4 bytes
// 2 padding
int t; // 4 bytes
// 4 padding
int sizeTop = sizeof(top); // =>24
int sizeButtom = sizeof(buttom); // =>32