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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How to check your MQ client software connectivity to the QM - 2058 ?

Our software linked to  MQ client library , sometimes when the client deploy our software on new machine , or move it to other , he complain about the mq error 2058 , that we return  while trying to connect to the QM.

i am always explained that we have a buggy-less software, and check your environment :) ,

I suggest to run the built-in sample that arrived with the MQ installation.

This will give us a clue , if its installation issue or software .
I am talking about the amqsputc program (the client version one).
Here is how i managed to put messages on Windows QM , from our AIX.

bash-3.00# cd /usr/mqm/samp/bin

bash-3.00# export MQSERVER='SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN/TCP/srv1(1414)'
bash-3.00# ./amqsputc YANIVTIN QM1
Sample AMQSPUT0 start
target queue is YANIVTIN
hello world


The first part if the name of a 'svrconn' channel, the second is

the protocol used, and the third is the 'connection name'
consisting of either an ip address or hostname or dsn name,
followed by the port number. By default, MQ uses 1414.

in windows you set the env setting as follow:

i hope its help
Yaniv Tzanany



suggesting to the client

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