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Saturday, July 9, 2011

amazon API - notes

access to node[Browse Node ID]

The BrowseNodes response group returns the browse node that an item belongs to as well as the ancestry
of that browse node.
Note: If a browse node has multiple ancestors, only one of them is returned in the response.(no logic wghich one will return)
You can use the BrowseNodes response group with ItemLookup, ItemSearch, and SimilarityLookup.

The BrowseNodeInfo response group returns browse node names, IDs, children and parent browse nodes
You can use the BrowseNodeInfo response group only with BrowseNodeLookup.
Note: If a browse node has multiple ancestors, only one of them is returned in the response.

In contrast, BrowseNodeLookup only returns child browse nodes that are the direct descendant of the browse node in the request.

item sort keys by language

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